The Story Of Light: Wonder World of LEDs Kindle Edition
Light has become an essential and indispensable part of our lives and is widely used in the following fields in our daily lives besides many others: Energy efficient lighting, Optical devices, Enhancing beauty and architecture, Signalling, Gadgets, Communications, Safety, Health, Computing, Sustainable Farming, Better Diagnostics & Treatments. LEDs keep changing our world each day for the better by ushering in newer applications while reducing the carbon footprint and helping us solve global warming. LEDs have taken over the world of festive decoration, become an essential part of CD/DVD/Blu-Ray discs, gaming consoles, remote controls, cars, cell phones, flat TV screens, laptop and tablet computers, and more. So, let us Celebrate Light.
An excellent reference book and inspiration book whether you are in the Lighting field or not. An easy read and refresher into light and lighting and the science, technology and progress and innovation in this fascinating field of LEDs, Light, and Electronics. Highly recommended for education and students and schools and colleges too.